Wednesday, September 11, 2013

a week in the life: tuesday

look at those sad puppy dog eyes. he's going through withdrawals since I've been back to work. . .
a text to my sister during my break. 

today's picking. . .
sorting through the never ending pile of mail. I'd love to have a totally clean counter for more than one day. . .
beef stir fry: it's what's for dinner. . .
 he'll let you know it's 5:00, on the nose, every single day. . .
 trying to stay cool. it was 90 today and supposed to be even hotter tomorrow. . .
 watering: I may have also watered the dog. . .
 an action shot. . .
 me. . .
my lovely assistant on dish duty. . .
Today I'm grateful for:

  • a move this morning into a certified sub position for the rest of this week.
  • air conditioning. man, it was so hot.

1 comment:

bmarquez said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how behind I was with your blog. You do nothing for a month and then go CRAZY with your writing. Loved them all. . . . especially a day in the life. FUN!