Tuesday, September 11, 2012

random little bits of nothingness

  • We watched the movie Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close a few days ago. Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock - two of my favs. Really liked it. It's includes events with Tom Hanks' character who dies in one of the Towers on 9-11. Good mix of sadness and funny stuff. Check your Redbox.
  • We have ripe goldeny yellow-orange tomatoes in our garden that are so dang good.
  • Wilson ate through two doggie toys today. One was brand new and he destroyed it in about 3 seconds. His toys cannot have dangly things or appendages. Do you know how hard it is to find dog toys without dangly things?
  • Saturday was salsa makin' day. I am forever indebted to Barbara Marquez and her canning 101 lessons. Maybe someday she'll teach me how to can peanut butter. (inside joke.)

  • We have a new music minister at our church. That's a huge answer to prayer. He plays guitar and sings and does a fantastic job, but I was literally sick to my stomach last Wednesday (the day I was already so upset) because it was our first practice with him. See, he is a chord guy and I am a note girl. And most of the time, in my personal experience, those two things haven't meshed with me. I've always wanted to play by chords, but I am note dependent. My piano teachers did not teach me much about chords so it's always kind of made me nervous and takes me way out of my comfort zone. He handed me the stack of lead sheets (which have no time signature, sharps or flats, bars or measures, and most importantly, notes), I took a look and nearly had a mental breakdown right there on the piano bench. But I had already determined to give it a try and do my best - because that's all God expects of us, right? Well, I threw that "I'm note dependent" theory out the window because I. played. by. chords. And the angels sang. And it didn't sound half bad. So maybe it was because the songs were easy. Maybe it's because I've made it out to be way harder than it really is, I don't know. He says he wants me back. Time will tell.
  • Phil505 is amazing. I love him. And I love how he takes care of me. And people, I've needed a lot of taking care of lately.
  • Parenthood is back. I love that show.
  • Last, but certainly not least, my amazing friend Kerry has given her blog a new name and a makeover. Check it out at Plenty Place. (Kerry is one of my former college roommates. She helped me make it through that blasted Philosophy of Education class and we student taught next door to each other. We lived together in the Little House in the Ghetto on Bennett Ave. in Chattanooga with the grass green shag carpet and a park slide out back. I may or may not have used her toothbrush one day. It was an accident. Oops. I figured if I lived to tell of accidentally taking her toothbrush, then I'd still be around to blog after stealing one of her pictures.) Love ya, Ker!  


Unknown said...

4 things:

1. Adam's quote, "I like Wendy's blog. I like Wendy. Wendy's nice."
2. No more "captcha". I'm doin' the happy dance!!!
3. Never, ever forgetting your frothy, minty lips wrapped around my toothbrush.
4. I love you so much that being grouped with "random bits of nothingness" is still a compliment because it means I'm on the radar of a very wonderful person. =D

Unknown said...

4 things:

1. Adam's quote, "I like Wendy's blog. I like Wendy. Wendy's nice."
2. No more "captcha". I'm doin' the happy dance!!!
3. Never, ever forgetting your frothy, minty lips wrapped around my toothbrush.
4. I love you so much that being grouped with "random bits of nothingness" is still a compliment because it means I'm on the radar of a very wonderful person. =D