Phil505 had a birthday way back on August 31st. Ya, I'm just now getting around to blogging about it, amazing wife that I am and all. He had a nice long weekend off work so we decided to celebrate it up real big, but cheap-like. We started off with breakfast at a new-to-us place, the Stardust Diner. I love having breakfast dates with my man. He leaves so early for work most days that breakfast dates, although I love them, are few and far between. Since the northwest is severely lacking in Bob Evans' restaurants, we usually go to Shari's, but he decided to change it up and picked the diner. Well, change can be good, because not only does this place look like a silver bullet, but it's jazzed up with mini juke boxes at each table so you can sing and dance to all your favorite oldies while you're waiting for your scrambled eggs. Would you find that at your local Bob Evans? I think not. We will definitely have to start using those buy one meal get one free coupons in the Clipper magazine because the food was really good.
Then we went home, packed up a picnic lunch, got the dog, and headed to the beach for the day. Not much has changed since the last time we took Wilson to the beach (well, maybe he has grown quite a bit and this time he didn't puke all over the jeep, thank goodness). He still likes to ride with his drooly head on my shoulder, so you can imagine what that does to my shirt sleeves. Despite the spit marks, have I mentioned lately how much I love my puppy dog?
Phil went off the beaten path a little bit and we went across this one-laned covered bridge. Turns out there was a park on the other side. Good thing, the poor dog needed a moment, if you know what I mean.
It all felt so very Little House on the Prairie-ish.As we were getting ready to go, a couple pulled in to the park. A little Asian lady got out of the car and you could tell she was a little flustered. She looked me in the eye and said, "That wa vewy scarwy. Is so dark in there." She made me laugh.
It was a beautiful sunny day. Phil got to help not one, but two ladies who decided to drive in the soft sand and get stuck. Actually, one of the vehicles was a church van full of women and he saved the day. He's my hero! Then we sat on the beach in our 8 year old (wedding gift) lawn chairs and enjoyed the view.
We tried to get a self-portrait, per our tradition, but we weren't doing so well seeing how all you get is one small portion of my head and a bit of my shoulder in this next picture.The next one is a little better although my eyes are a bit on the squinty side.
And that was the first day of my B's 46th year. One for the record books. Or scrapbook, whichever you prefer.
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