eating nothing right now.
drinking ice water. Lots and lots of ice water.
wearing comfy clothes.
feeling a little homesick. Big Kline family reunion today back in O-hi-o.
wanting a pedicure.
needing a job.
thinking about the future and what's next.
enjoying the day with my man. love. him.
wondering what in the Sam hill I need to do to get some visitors out here! (Thought about my grandma Kline a lot today. She used to use the phrase "what in the Sam hill?" all the stinkin' time.)
creating a cleaner, more organized scrapbook room that will stay that way for approximately 2.5 days. Ha! Check out my new desk. Got it at the church yard sale Friday for 10 bucks! Score!!! Bye-bye Costco folding table, hello desk with drawers! And check out that handy dandy storage shelf underneath!!! Don't mind the mess. It's a work in progress. Dad, show Mom my new table please.
It was a good little table.
See that black basket with the green liner in the first picture? Got that a while back at Michael's for one penny. Yes, you read that correctly, one cent. And I got a smaller matching basket also for one penny. Not sure why it rang up so cheap, but the checkout lady didn't seem care. Love it when that happens.
procrastinating on really nothing at the moment. Believe it or not.
pondering a lot of things. Besides the job thing, I'm smitten with pinterest. Have you heard of it? Basically it's like an online bulletin board where you can pin your favorite projects, recipes, ideas, anything you find online that you want to remember. I've seen lots of neat DIY projects and some really cool ideas for teaching. I'm just afraid that if I join my life will get sucked up into pinning. It is pretty cool though. I especially love the wedding section. Oh the cool things I'd do if I were getting married. . .
loving the week in the life project that scrapbookers all over are starting tomorrow. I'm thinking about it. Wondering if I should attempt yet another project when I have so many that sit unfinished in 12X12 plastic bins. But it's such a cool little snapshot of life as it is right now. And how cool would it be to have, say, your grandmother's week in the life album from like 1940 to look at today? If I do it, I'll enlist the help of my newly found Picasa collage making skill and do some journaling with a few pretty things glued down for fun.anticipating books I've reserved at the library to come in. I'm like 117 in line for Jaycee Duggard's book that just came out. I might get that one in my hands by Christmas. I've finally gotten into my summer reading groove. It took a while, but I read two books in like 4 days this week. One was a Holocaust memoir called I Will Plant You a Lilac Tree. The other is Triumph by Carolyn Jessop. She escaped the FLDS Mormon polygamous cult. Although this book had some of her personal story of escaping, it mostly dealt with how she assisted Texas during the recent raid on the Yearning for Zion Ranch where they took all the kids and put them in foster care. Today I started a teacher book. I always try to read at least one professional book in the summer. So, what are you guys reading?
The table is nice. I should have snatched it up myself. But if not me than I'm glad you have it. The week in the life project sounds cool, especially when you put in the grandma/1940 bit. Do it!
Love your new desk/table!!! I have one of those plastic tables in my office right now.... COVERED in mess. My goal today is to clean that puppy.
I am reading By Reason of Insanity by Randy Singer. It is really good. :)
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