Monday, September 8, 2008

a day in the life of mrs. bergland

5:00 - alarm goes off; snooze is hit; snuggling with husband (who normally leaves at 4am but has today off) begins

5:15 -alarm goes off again; I get up and head to the shower

5:35 - email is checked; messages sent to friends on facebook

5:45 - breakfast

6:00 - hair & makeup

6:20 - ironing/pack lunch

6:50 - out the door (don't worry, it won't last)

7:10 - arrive at school; rearrange desks; can't remember new login password to get on the computer; get spastic

7:50 - staff devotions; water bottle filled

8:15 - students arrive

8:30 - school day begins; language arts

9:45 - kids off to recess; a moment of freedom

10:00 - kids back in; handwriting/reading - trying to figure out reading groups

11:20 - working lunch

11:50 - find out student crying in office is mine; his wrist is broken; fell off monkey bars; 3rd grade teacher leaves because she's queasy just from looking at it

12:00 - kids back in; sweet prayer offered up for broken wrist boy; read aloud time - I started The Boxcar Children and kids are on the edge of their seats; love that.

12:30 - math

2:00 - Bible - Creation and how light was created on Day 1, plants on Day 3 and the sun didn't show up til Day 4; had a great discussion on how plants can grow when there's no sun and if there's light but no sun, where is the light coming from? Out of the mouth of babes, "With God nothing is impossible." Couldn't have said it better myself.

the rest of the school day is a blur

3:10 - dismissal

4:30 - head to post office to mail late birthday gifts for the nieces and nephew

4:35 - chat with the sister

5:00 - waiting in traffic on the freeway

5:20 - start dinner

6:00 - listening to news/blogging

7:00 - time to get off and get something done.


Kellie said...

Yeah, I understand that schedule. When my feet hit the floor at 5:00 am, I don't usually stop till after papers are graded that night after 9:00. Throw in two children with that, and it is a lovely mix. lol

Sandra said...

Three cheers for The Boxcar Children!!! Loved those books.