Friday, April 20, 2012

fill in the blank friday

1. Today is a great day's Friday and the weekend is oh so near. I'm ready for it.
2. Tomorrow I will....get up, catch up on some missed TV episodes (thanks Hulu) while Wilson snuggles in my lap, go for a walk, scrap a little, clean the bathrooms, and plant some stuff out in the beds.
3. My favorite time of day the evenings after Phil goes to bed. I used to be more of a night owl, but now I go to bed an hour or less after he does because of my work hours. (Anything past 9 is really pushing it for me these days.) I like it quiet. I often turn off the TV and read my blogs and do my Bible study.
4. Sometimes you just have to....stop at Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha. Nonfat with whip, please.
5. A song I just can't get enough of right now is...Laura Story's "What a Savior." I love all her stuff actually.

6. My favorite accessory wedding ring. Going on 8 years. woo-hoo us!!!
7. My favorite thing about this week was...the phone calls I had with my sister. There were several and they were long. I'm looking forward to seeing her this summer.
8. The best thing about Spring is...the tulips. (See last night's post.) I want to go here on Sunday after church. . .
9. Something I really need to shoes. I need something with much better support. My left heel is killing me.
10. The person who made me laugh this week was... my friend Natalie. So glad we got to talk on Wednesday, girlfriend. (PS - when are you ever gonna update your blog???)

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Hope you enjoyed that weekend that is now a week ago. I am so behind... lol :)