Tuesday, November 22, 2011

day 13 of 30

day 13 ~ my favorite musician and why

This one is too hard. I have too many favorites so I'll list a few without going overboard. But before I do, you should know that I have never in my life really listened to much else besides Christian music. I grew up in a Moody Radio home - WCRF Cleveland - and it's only progressed into CCM from there. So I don't really know much about mainstream music, although my sister did try to indoctrinate me with her love of country music. Sorry folks, Shania Twain just isn't my cup-o-tea.

Here are my favorite female artists. The ones I sing along with in the car. Ya, I'm that person.
  • Christy Nockels ~ formerly of Watermark and now on her own and also backup for Chris Tomlin, is probably my all time favorite. Girl's got some pipes.
  • Christine Dente ~ another solo artist but was part of the duo Out of the Grey with her husband. Started listening to her in college when she toured with Susan Ashton and Margaret Becker. Her voice is amazing.
  • Laura Story ~ great songwriter, piano player, and vocalist. Love the stories behind her songs.
  • Twila Paris ~ I've listened to her for years and years. She's written so many classics.

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