Sunday, October 23, 2011

day 5 of 30

Day 5 - A pic of myself from two years ago.

This was taken exactly two years ago today and it's making me rethink my grown out bangs. It's one from a series of self-portraits that we took before heading out to get something to eat. I think this one is especially funny because the way I'm holding the camera it looks like the 505 is getting ready to do the ol' Dancing with the Stars dip, which, if that happened, would totally make us both end up in a big heap on the floor because we are sooooo not good dancing material. Well, I take that back. He's got the moves and grooves, I just don't.


bmarquez said...

I feel so much better now that you're all caught up. Cute picture.

Kellie said...

Love that pic of you and Phil505. :)