Thursday, June 9, 2011


Yesterday was a sad day. I cried. I told myself I wasn't going to, but I did. Good byes are hard. Especially when it's the end of something. I felt like this.

Today was better. My spirit wasn't as down in the dumps. I was in my room by myself most of the day. It was quiet. I felt reflective.

I spent several hours working on getting my report cards done. I graded some papers, worked on the comments section, and packed one box, a box of books from my library. I sat there for a bit and thought about what the kids could read when they came in my room back in September and how far they'd come by June. I looked back over the first graders reading fluency graphs. They all made huge improvements in their oral reading. I felt really good about that.

It's at this time of year that we see new growth. The dead of winter turns to green.

Growth is good. We just can't forget that sometimes it takes a little pruning for something to grow and spread, or an addition of a little manure to make things stronger, or even moving it to a better location to soak up more of the sun.

And maybe that's what's going on with me. Maybe it's time for me to grow.

Gardens are a form of autobiography.

~Sydney Eddison

Horticulture Magazine, August/September 1993

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Great post, Wendy. I have been praying for you. I knew the last couple of days would be hard. I'll continue to pray!