Thursday, February 24, 2011

snow scam 2011

I went to bed last night and peeked out the window. It was snowing. I said, "Please, dear Lord, let it be." Woke up at 5:30 to check online, hardly any schools were closed. I played around for 20 minutes and checked again. A few more schools were listed, but none in Gresham. I decided I'd better get in the shower. At 10 after 6 I checked again and nearly every school in Portland and Vancouver was on the list, including mine!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love having snow days, hate finding out after I've been in the shower.

I didn't peek outside until about 7:15 when I was on the phone with my mom. (I always call her on snow days so she can share in my joy.) I was pleasantly surprised at how pretty it was. Blue skies in some places. Lots of sunshine. Occasional flurries.

Official measurement: 3 1/2 inches on top of the grill.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

YAY! Glad you had a snow day! :)