Friday, December 31, 2010

flashback friday # ? - our year (or most of it) in self-portraits

To finish off 2010, I tried to find an extended arm shot for every month, but sadly, we're missing a few. I guess that'll be my New Year's resolution (not that I ever keep the dumb things anyway) - to take at least one self-portrait in 2011 so I can have a complete blog post next New Year's Eve.

I am so incredibly blessed to have Phil505 in my life. He's my best friend. He makes me laugh every single day. He picks on me and allows me to pick right back. He doesn't complain when I ask him to keep scratching my back. (Well, ok, maybe he does just a little.) He makes me see things differently. He calms me down. He holds my hand. He's the best husband I've ever had ;)

That's a little inside joke.

January ~ together at home

February ~ spent the day at Depoe Bay

March ~ Spring break at the beach

April ~ first time gettin' crafty with the Easter eggs

May ~ stumbled upon the Schreiner Iris Garden

June ~ celebrated our 6th anniversary

July ~ camping trip to Lake Wanatchee; stops at waterfalls along the way; a day in Leavenworth

August ~ the dahlia festival

September, October & November ~ we still loved each other, there just aren't any pictures to prove it

December ~ just home from picking out the tree

I hope you have a happy and safe new year. Thanks for coming back day after day to read my blog, part of the story of my life here in Berglandia. And dare I say it. . . I hope your New Year's resolution is to leave me more blog comments than you did in 2010 :)

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I loved seeing all of your pics. :) AND... I do try to comment every time so you can't count me in on that last statement. lol :) You have a great New Year, too, friend. :)