Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the gardens of berglandia

The Gardens of Berglandia are finally all planted. I know you're thinking, hey, that's kinda like the Fountains of Bellagio. Well, forget Vegas, it's just as magical here, folks.
Boring you all to death with baby vegetables and geranium starts, here's the 2010 grand tour. (Dad, this whole post is really just for you because most of the people who read this here blog could really care less about our plants.)
1st stop - the herb collection. The chives, lavender, and nearly dead rosemary that I tried to replant are from last year. The basil, mint & cilantro are new. I need to chop off the chives and let them regrow. As you can see, I've already strewn the purple flowers all over the place. Hey, it's like compost, ok. Don't judge me because they didn't make it into the yard debris container.
Next up: the great cucumber lightning rod exhibit and backyard (attract the hummingbirds) flower box. Oh, and some orange-y lilies I got from a student last year that are about ready to bloom.

Moving on: We have the salsa bearing tomato plants. The guy at Marbotts said to go with the Heartland kind. So we did. There are more tomatoes of various kinds on the other side of the hose, but seriously, how many pictures of tomato plants do you need to see?

Next up: the zucchini and green beans. We've only done pole beans before. These here bush beans are a first for us. We need more than two, don't ya think?

The newest addition to the Gardens of Berglandia: the limited addition Topsy Turvy in which are growing three strawberry plants, one yellow crook-neck squash, a banana pepper plant, and another tomato. This exhibit brought to you by your friends at Active Metal & Molds. (Only my dad will get that one!)

Moving to the front yard: we replaced all five of the dead bushes and planted some flowers. Envision with me if you will the impatiens all big and bushy with lots of color. Keep in mind that right now they're just babies.

That concludes our tour. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Lovely! I know that is work so that is great that you have so many things growing in your yard!