Tuesday, December 15, 2009

turkey bacon, breakfast of champions

Today my day will be complete, for I have replenished my stash of turkey bacon. My love and devotion for it all started about six years ago when I was trying to get skinny for my wedding and I went on that blasted South Beach Diet. Have you ever checked that out? It's all about the protein. All about the veggies. All about not having the rice, potatoes, and anything else made completely out of starch. I did ok on it, after I made it past the two weeks with no sugar that nearly killed me. Then I got married. Started eating rice, potatoes, and other bad-for-you foods and plumped right back out like a Butterball Turkey.

Hence, my continued love for turkey bacon. Cook up a few pieces in a skillet, pop in a piece of whole wheat toast in the toaster, spread a teeny-tiny layer of mayo made with olive oil, and you've got yourself a well-balanced meal. . . well, at least some protein to get your day going anyway.

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