During my daily dose of browsing the twopeasinabucket.com scrapbook message board, I came upon a post from a nice lady who left a link for a free 8X8 hard cover digital album from Shutterfly. If you are so inclined to use up some of those pictures that you've had on your external hard drive for a couple years or so (like me), and you have a facebook account (like me) that you don't mind adding a family tree application to, then go here (scroll down about four entries) and follow the prompts. You'll end up with a code for the free book. All you have to do is get your pictures and text uploaded by November 15th and pay the $7.95 shipping and handling fee. And if you're a first time Shutterfly user, you get 50 free prints too. I know, it's awesome.
I made a digi book on Snapfish a year or so ago (thanks to Oprah and Snapfish who gave away so many free books the website crashed) and I love it. I can't wait to try out Shutterfly. I'm seeing a whale watching birthday/anniversary trip book in my near future; perhaps you're thinking this woman just solved my Christmas gift for Grandma dilemma! Either way, you can't go wrong with an almost free book.
And did I mention that my wonderful loving husband is going to let me add the family tree application to his account so he (meaning I) can get a free book too?
Something else I learned this week that I've been trying to figure out for some time now is how in the world can I put multiple pictures on a 4X6 or 5X7 print? Again, the smart smart ladies on twopeas answered that very same question for someone else. (It soooo pays to browse, doesn't it?) Well, I discovered that there's a site where you can download a program that will enable you to do just that. Go here and let photosheet be your new best friend. You just pick your template, add your pictures, and upload them to wherever you normally get your pictures printed off, cut them apart, and wa-la, mini prints!!! I've played around with it, but haven't actually sent anything off for printing yet. . .but I plan to real soon. (Christmas is coming!)
Merry early Christmas!
Oh, and look what just came out of the oven?
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