Phil and I are done Christmas shopping for each other. We bought an ellyptical and tickets to see Manheim Steamroller. Let our tradition of cool Christmas music date nights continue!!!
December is shaping up to be a pretty fun month. Not only do I get lots of extra vacation time (best part about being a teacher), but we were invited to join some friends in the Christmas ship parade. A Portland Christmas tradition for over 50 years. I've been here for six Christmases and I've yet to experience it. But I will. On their boat!
If you're looking for things to put on your bucket list, add "get a pumpkin milkshake from Burgerville." I'll take you. It'll be fun. We can freeze our brains together. Then you will be able to die happy.
I should get some sort of stipend for all this Burgerville pumpkin milkshake advertising I do for them.
Remember the Statue of Liberty Chia Pet? I saw one at Fred Meyer the other day. That thing looks absolutely ridiculous. And if you bought one, I think you'd need to have your head examined.
That reminds me. . . whenever I say to my dad that I have a headache, he always says, "If I had a head like that and it didn't hurt, I'd see a doctor." The man is hysterical.
Phil fixed our treadmill today. He's such a rock star!
I got caught in a torrential downpour and a hail storm today. Like all this wind came totally out of no where. It lasted all of two minutes and pretty much stopped when it was time to get out of my car at the grocery store. I don't know what to italicize about that.
I'm waiting on happy mail from my niece. Same niece who's scored a 100% on her first five spelling tests of first grade. Dare I say she takes after her aunt?
This week's Bible study focus: It's tough being a woman in a world where beauty is a treatment. This totally reminds me that on our first wedded Valentine's Day, Phil made me a little gift certificate that's good for a mani/pedi. I've yet to redeem it. I know, what's wrong with me?
Neither one of us can remember where we spend Thanksgiving last year. I've been racking my brain all weekend trying to figure it out. Does anybody know?
I make the kids in my class do math aerobics. They're all falling asleep after lunch and this is a good way to get the blood flowing again. We count by 2's, 5's, and 10's and do exercises. I need to have a serious talk with the PE teacher about getting them some extra practice in the fine art of jumping jacks.
Did you hear on the news that they've made a Halloween costume called Balloon Boy? It comes complete with a large silver balloon. Poor kid. He thought they were doing it for a show. I'm still a big fan of the Kate Gosselin wig myself.
Have a great week. And I mean it.
You are wastin' away at Burgerville Girlfriend! I will get my pumpkin brain freeze when I visit...soon.
According to your blog, you spent last Thanksgiving at Phil's aunt and uncle's house. You made cheesecake. "Our feasting is over and we're back home from Phil's aunt and uncle's house." - Blog entry Thanksgiving 2008.
Don't you love us faithful blog readers???
You make me laugh. Wish we lived closer cause I might just try that pumpkin milk shake. Maybe one day we'll meet. LOL :)
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