Friday, September 11, 2009


I remember it was Pam Dudley, our building computer tech, who told me about the planes crashing into the Twin Towers.

I remember thinking that I'll always remember Pam Dudley after today.

I remember my class had PE first thing in the morning, so I was glued to the TV until they came back.

I remember not wanting to turn the TV off.

I remember wishing I could just go home.

I remember having them silent read so I could go online and read the news sites.

I remember eating my lunch in the library with the other teachers I usually ate lunch with and watching more news coverage, still not believing it was happening in Washington, DC too.

I remember thinking that I'll have a strange connection with them forever because we were together on that day.

I remember being told about the plane that turned around and then crashed in Pennsylvania.

I remember telling my fifth graders about what was going on after lunch.

I remember trying to think if there was anyone I knew that was affected.

I remember watching the news and reading articles for days and days and days.

I remember crying and feeling a tremendous amount of sadness.

I remember feeling proud of my country and of all the people who were pitching in to help.

I remember the televised funeral processions of fallen firefighters and police officers.

I remember having my class make patriotic window decorations.

I remember hearing Celine Dion's version of God Bless America over and over again on the radio.

I remember. . .

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I was at Applebees with Pastor John and Pastor Wayne...

Missing you. Nat.