Thursday, September 3, 2009

music to my ears

This is my new favorite CD ~ Laura Story: Great God Who Saves.

Not only does she crank it out on Mighty to Save, but I love the first song Bless the Lord. I also love that a lot of it is piano driven because I'm a piano driven kind of gal. (Glenda, this should be your next musical purchase. I know I have that kind of influence on you. I'm just sayin'.)

Tonight at 7:00 I will get to meet my students and their parents at open house. My room is almost done. I just have a few things to tidy up and the bulletin board in the hallway to finish. I mailed off the letter from the teacher yesterday because I'm a firm believer in the fact that each child should get one. Of course, I have no lesson plans done or anything written down yet. It's all just floating around randomly in my brain. Fortunately, I have a few days until I have to become unrandom.


Kellie said...

I'll have to check out that CD!! :)

I hope all goes well as you meet your new little ones. Do I need to repeat myself anymore? lol :)

Shonk said...
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