Saturday, March 14, 2009

who am i

I am: Wendy

i AM: a really good teacher (at least that's what I hear)

i AM NOT: skinny

i KNOW: that I am a child of the King of Kings

i THINK: a lot (just ask Phil)

i DON'T THINK: Phil will ever stop asking me, "What are you thinking?"

i WANT: to hurry up and find somewhere new to live

i HAVE: the greatest husband in the world

i LIKE: to stay home in my pj's on Saturday mornings

i DISLIKE: seafood (except halibut)

i HATE: the smells of cigarette smoke and cooked brussel sprouts, lima beans, and cabbage

i MISS: my girlfriends from college, my family, and my best friend Coby

i FEAR: what's going to happen with this economy, and therefore, my job

i FEEL: like I'm getting a headache

i HEAR: the washing machine, dryer, & traffic on I-205

i SMELL: nothing really to smell at the moment - maybe I need to go light a candle

i CRAVE: sweets all the time and cheese (what a combination, I know)

i USUALLY: check my email after I get out of the shower in the morning

i CONSIDER: myself to be one of the most loyal friends around

i SEARCH: the internet everyday

i HIDE: chocolate in my underwear drawer. (Just kidding, that's someone else in my family whom shall remain unnamed!)

i WONDER: what my nieces and nephews are going to be when they grow up

i REGRET: not calling to check up on my grandparents more

i LOVE: living in the pacific northwest - it's so beautiful here

i CARE: about my family

i CAN: sight read piano music fairly well

i TRY: to stay on top of things. . . most of the time

i DON'T CARE: for dry wines

i ALWAYS: keep a couple tubes of Blistex around

i NEVER: have been to any Disney park

i WOULD RATHER: be at the beach

i WORRY: too much about the little things

i RELY: on my husband to keep me semi-sane most days

i AM NOT: a millionaire

i REMEMBER: it took me forever to find shoes for my wedding day

i BELIEVE: in God the Father, Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth - and in Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son, Our Lord - I believe in the Holy Spirit, One Holy Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins. . . (think I'll go listen to some Rich Mullins now)

i DANCE: with Phil in the kitchen sometimes

i SING: for I cannot be silent (especially in the car)

i DON'T ALWAYS: make the bed every day

i ARGUE: with myself about things

i WRITE: to do lists, blogs, letters, and in journals

i WIN: door prizes at places like bridal fairs (I won my bouquet worth $125 in one such drawing) and scrapbooking crops

i LOSE: my train of thought easily

i WISH: Phil and I would've met sooner than we did

i LISTEN: to my nieces and nephews on the phone and . . .

i DON'T UNDERSTAND: half of what they're trying to say

i CAN BE FOUND: at home, at school, at bookstores or scrapbook stores, grading papers, cuddling with Phil, talking on the phone, or sitting at the computer

i AM SCARED: of bridges and natural disasters

i FORGET: that God has seen the bigger picture

i AM HAPPY: about having only 5 more school days before spring break


Kellie said...

I really enjoyed reading this... I'll have to do this on my blog! lol :)

Gretchen said...

Oh! this is fun! I'm totally stealing this idea!