Monday, September 15, 2008

out of the mouths of second graders

Date: Monday, September 15th

Time: 8:45 am

Place: Room 205

Event: Prayer request time where you NEVER know what to expect.

Student #1 - "Pray for my dog."

Me - "OK, tell us what's wrong with your dog."

Student #1 - "She's had an operation. You know, the one where they take out the parts that makes the baby dogs. You know? (said with innocently weird quizzical look) Ya, well, ya."

Student #2 - "Pray for my auntie."

Me - "How can we pray for your auntie?"

Student #2 - "Well, she's having surgery. You know. . . that one surgery that fat people have to be skinny??? The one where they cut all those holes in the stomach and then they suck out all the fat (looks around to eye the crowd and gets the reaction she wanted). Ya, that one."


Sandra said...

Too funny! And how does Mrs. Bergland keep a straight face when surrounded by these kiddos?? :)

Kellie said...

HAHHAAHAA!! Yes, prayer request time is always interesting. I have one I'll have to share with you "later."... don't let me forget to tell you! LOL