Friday, June 6, 2008

marriage tag

•What is his name? Phil
•How long have you been together? married for 4 years next Thursday; 2 year long distance relationship before that.
•How long did you date? 2 years which included us being engaged almost a year
•How old is he? 41
•Who said I love you first? he did
•Who is taller? he is
•Who sings better? I sing better, but I love it when he sings to me.
•Who is smarter? We're both smart in our own ways.
•Whose temper is worse? probably mine.
•Who does the laundry? I do
•Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Phil
•Who pays the bills? I take care of most, but he does some online payments.
•Who mows the lawn? whoever the mangagement of Orchard Pointe hires to do it, but he did it when we lived in Portland
•Who does the dishes? Me
•Who cooks dinner? We both do.
•Who drives when you are together? Well, today I did, but Phil drives 99% of the time.
•Who is more stubborn? more than likely, me.
•Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I think we both do an ok job at it.
•Who kissed who first? Phil attacked me at the airport on his first visit, but I really didn't mind :)
•Who proposed? Phil did at the Rose Garden, but we picked the ring out together in Ohio
•Who is more sensitive? Me, but don't let Mr. Tough Guy fool you.
•Who has more friends? Phil has clues to remember which friend of mine I'm referring to
•Who wears the pants in the family? We share them.

And now I get to tag someone to answer the questions: Sandra, it's all yours, dearie.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Allrighty, I'll take the challenge. I can't believe you guys are going on four years! It seems like it was just yesterday that I was in the Sunday School room with Lis, Cathy, Julie Van, Jenny and you as we waited before your wedding. (as I break into a chorus of "Memories") Snff...:)
Good times!!