Tuesday, December 9, 2014

christmas listing

Making these gooey salted caramel vanilla butter cookies. . . a test run as a potential cookie for the exchange on Sunday. If all goes as planned, these will be the ones. If not, I may have to resort to rolling 5 dozen buckeye balls because I don't really have a backup plan.
Planning to do Christmas cards this year. I think it's been at least two years since I sent out more than like 5 or 6. I may even throw in a newsletter this year. I got the stationery for super cheap last January.
Counting the cards we've received so far. . . 4. Three in the mail and one at church. 
Revisiting my old December daily and Christmas scrapbooks. I put them out in the living room for the month of December and it's just fun looking back at what we did, and how our decorations have changed, and where we went for our annual musical date, and all that jazz. For the record, I bought myself a sweater: my annual Christmas present to me. I haven't bought my Christmas CD yet, but I have two or three in mind that I'd love. 

Crossing off a few things on our to do list. First, the outside lights are up and done - YEAH! Sunday afternoon was a great day to get the outside stuff done. Bonus points to Phil505 for risking life and limb up there on the ladder.
Second, we went this afternoon and picked out our tree, a 6 ft. Noble fir from the same lot we went to last year. It's down the street and they have a good selection. Plus this year, the guy didn't charge us tax! It's currently drying out (it rained today) so I'll decorate it tomorrow.

Listening to channel 975 on Dish - The Christmas Message. I have yet to start listening to my Christmas CD collection. Right now, the tv is just easier.
Loving, loving, loving the Pentatonix version of Mary, Did you Know? A.MA.ZING!!! Seriously, if you haven't heard it yet, click the link.
Learning a new Christmas song, Come and Worship. Old familiar words, new tune. And it has a great piano part. We taught it to the congregation on Sunday and it was like they've known this song all along. It was absolutely beautiful.
Appreciating my parents. We love you.
Getting lots of requests to sub, but I'm booked thru Christmas break, so I'm turning people down almost every day.
Needing to get some stuff up on the walls. So boring around here lately. I took the stuff down in the kitchen and dining room when I painted and have only hung a few of the things back up.

Drinking ginger ale. Regular for now. Cranberry for the cookie exchange. (It's tradition.)

Thinking about buying a sewing machine. Phil's aunt has one she said she'd sell me. Question is, would I use it enough to make it worth while? I've wanted one for the longest time to sew on scrapbook projects and occasionally something else with fabric. We'll see.
Trying a new recipe. Actually I made it last night, so that should be tried a new recipe. Korean Beef. It's made with ground beef and has a little tiny Asian kick to it. Served it over rice with steamed broccoli. It was really good. I had leftovers for lunch and it was still just as good. Definitely going into the rotation. Pinterest for the win!

Deciding on niece and nephew gifts. Always a challenge when you don't get to see them nearly enough. 
Reflecting. Well, the lights are reflecting on the pond and I like it.

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