Saturday, January 7, 2012

there was a change in plans

We were just supposed to bring Wilson home for a visit today, but we got a call last night and the puppy people told us that the mother dog stopped nursing the puppies and some of the other adoptive families wanted to bring their puppies home this weekend instead of next weekend, and that if we wanted to take Wilson home for good we could.

Well, you all know I jumped right on that bandwagon. One extra weekend of puppy-spoilage. Heck, ya.

So this afternoon we stopped at Petsmart and spent a small fortune on a crate, a leash, a collar, some pee/stain remover, some treats, and a clicker and off we went to the puppy pen. We were handed a certificate that said "Wilson now belongs to Phil and Wendy's family" (so cute) and a shot/worming notebook. Then Wilson said his goodbyes to his family (he was a favorite of one of the girls) and off we went. The ride home was smooth, although he cried. Actually, more like howled like a hound dog. And then he got to explore the front yard and bond with his dad ;)

And shortly after that, he crashed.

And I am in love with the cutest puppy around.


bmarquez said...

Oh, I think he is the cutest yellow lab I've ever seen! Have fun with your baby.

Kellie said...

There is NOTHING like a puppy!! I am so glad Wilson is HOME now. Enjoy every minute of that cute little thing! (He won't be little for long so take plenty of pictures of him now!) lol

Luci Smith said...

You will be amazed how fast a puppy grows. At one time I thought we should have name ours Clifford. ENJOY. He is so very cute.