Wednesday, June 29, 2011

free and crafty, part 2

Part 2. . . are you as shocked as I am?

This next project I'm going to share with you is one that I've been wanting to make ever since I stumbled upon it a year or so ago. You know how one link leads to another on these things, well, that's what happened. I just kind of kept it tucked away in the back of my mind until my recent bout of craftiness, and I knew I wanted to get 'er done! And I did, in about 5 1/2 hours. I started it last night while watching TV and got all but about 5 or 6 states cut out, inked around the edges, and adhered down before I went to bed. I finished the rest today.

Here she is, Miss America - all made out of scrapbook paper!

You can go here to see my inspiration, get all the directions, and print off the map.

I have it in an 11X14" frame. I didn't have any paper that was quite big enough to fit it, so I just pieced together two sheets of kraft paper and I had to add a strip of blue at the bottom to which I added a little border.

Hawaii was by far the hardest, although Maryland was a bit of a pain as well. I started with California and headed east, finishing up with Alaska and Hawaii. I also used the same double sided papers that I used on the stars, so I had plenty of patterns to choose from. Then I used the Storybook cartridge for the title.

My favorite states: Ohio, of course. I like how there's a star close to the place of my birth. I also love Maine with the head of the Statue of Liberty.

I know you all want to go make one of these, so you'd better go get your craft on!


Dawn said...

Yay Maine! I will take that as a personal shout out to me!

Kellie said...

I LOVE THAT!!! I'll have to pay you to make me one, though. lol :) You are super crafty, girl!

Unknown said...

Love, love, love it! Can I link to it on my blog for next July 4th???

I'm convinced. Between the recipes, your personal crafts, projects on your new house, & cute classroom've got an income-earning blog in the bag. Oh, and I forgot to mention you have the best titles out there! I'm sending you those links ASAP!