Saturday, February 19, 2011

i had good intentions

Earlier this month I shared lots of links to some cute Valentine's Day projects. I was bound and determined to make them all. (Ya, right. Who am I kidding?) Well, I finished my yarn wreath, I started the felt roses heart (it's still a work in progress - but I will finish it), and got one of the subway art prints. Then I made this. It wasn't even one of the projects I shared although I saw it on a blog, but I like it. Plus, it was cheap and easy.

I already had the frame and the black textured cardstock, which is a plus. And I found the felt heart stickers at JoAnn's for 40% off $2.99 (calculator, anyone?). That just means it was super cheap. The hearts are layered and stitched, and the mat in the frame allows for extra space, so nothing was squished inside the frame. I eyeballed the positioning and wa-la, I had Valentine's Day decor.

Bonus: there were tons of hearts in that little bag, so I used them on Valentine's I made for the kids at church too.

Now I'm ready to pop this piece out and make something springy. So it's back to JoAnn's I go.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

You are so creative, friend! Very cute!