Thursday, November 12, 2009

thursday's therapeutic thoughts

I have my Ten on Tuesday posts and today I'm starting up a new topic: Thursday's Therapeutic Thoughts. Here's why. . .

According to the Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, Therapeutic: adj. 2. contributing to general, esp. mental, well-being (finds blog reading therapeutic).

Ok, so I changed walking to blog reading. Who cares? Hey, I'm married to a licensed therapist. I should be able to dose out some therapy of my own, don't ya think? And for some crazy reason, you people keep coming back, so you must need some sort of therapy. I'll do this pro bono. For your mental well-being. I'm happy to oblige.

  • Dear Gresham Safeway Store Manager, Why have 8 checkout lanes at the grocery store when only two of them are open? Can't you see there are 50 people waiting in line blocking up the front aisle? Seriously.
  • Trying to figure out which tasty beverage to serve for Thanksgiving dinner? You might want to consider the new Jones Soda flavor. It will especially please the vegans in your family. (I don't know about you, but think I'll just stick with the sparkling cider.)

  • Funniest thing. . . my niece Hannah got her 6th 100% on a spelling test. Then I get a letter from her that says, "I got an A pus." Uh, Hannah, you left out an l. At least she spelled I love you right.
  • Day one of parent teacher conferences went off without a hitch. It's not too hard when you only have nine kids. Tomorrow, I have one conference. Know when it's scheduled for? The very last time slot listed. Go figure. I think I'll go shopping. Craft Warehouse is just down the road.
  • Yet another cousin of mine had a baby today. This makes three babies in less than two months. Congratulations, Kim (1st girl) and Ericka (3rd girl) and Stacey (1st baby, also a girl)! Please do not send me any of your water.
  • I hope this doesn't upset some of you, but Phil and I might be sending out our annual Christmas photo card without a beautiful northwest backdrop. I know it's been our little tradition (to try to lure the masses out to visit) but it's obviously not working because no one's coming to see us. And, we haven't taken any really great Christmas card worthy pictures this year. You might just end up with Plan B. That's all I'm sayin'. But I've got to hurry up and figure this thing out because Costco's got a coupon for $5 off your first 50 photo greeting cards. And it expires soon.
  • I know it's not really the season for fresh fruit anymore, but did you know that you can get rid of those pesky fruit flies by mixing a small amount of white vinegar with a squirt of dishsoap? Leave it in a container or empty pop can nearby and your fruit flies will be gone in no time. I was told they are attracted to the vinegar but get trapped in the soap. Just a helpful little tip for you, my faithful readers. I tried it and it really works. If it wouldn't have worked, I would have never written it on my blog. I'm nice that way.
  • Speaking of my blog, I'd really like to know who is reading this thing when it comes up "United States arrived" on my little ticker thing. You know, the United States is a pretty big area so that makes it kind of hard to narrow it down. Most of the time, I think I have the rest of you figured out. Except Tucson showed up the other day. I don't know a soul in Arizona.
  • Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Thirteen is my favorite number.
  • I was talking to my sister on the phone the other day and she hit a deer. She says, "Oh my gosh! I just hit a deer! I've got to go." I was like, "Are you kidding me? Again?" This is at least the 2nd time this has happened. Another time I was talking to her she slid on some ice and ran into somebody's mailbox. Maybe she should stop using her cell phone while driving. Or at least quit talking to me. She's not going to have a car left if she doesn't.
  • And now I'd like to award Phil with 100 extra bonus points for getting a hair cut that did not require me to use the trimmers to remove excess neck hair.

I'll see you all at our next session.


Sandra said...

I just love your blog.

Shonk said...

Gravy know I'm cracking up!

Kellie said...

LOL!!! You make me laugh. :) AND... remember, I'm the one from Raleigh, NC. HA!!!!!!

Jill said...

I'm your southern Ohio reader! ;-)