Wednesday, November 18, 2009

a really good oxymoron and other strange things

This is the oxymoron of all oxymorons. What did we get to go with our new ellyptical? Two LaZ Boy recliners. Is that not hysterical? It was time for Phil's old blue chair to go. His mom got it shorty after he was born. So you can only imagine. Farewell, old blue rocking swivel chair. I won't miss you.

Today we were writing a little Thanksgiving poem using our five senses. So each line started off "I see. . ., I feel. . .I hear. . .," etc. I showed them an example on the overhead. I wrote my own example. We pulled out the mongo list of Thanksgiving words on the chart paper. Then I gave them a few minutes to start writing. A few minutes later I read a line from one of the boys. . . "I hear the jucy chickn." We then had to have a little talk about the fact that we can see the jucy chickn and we can taste the jucy chickn, but we certainly can't hear the jucy chickn. The poor thing is dead. And really, chickn for Thanksgiving?

It looks like I need to teach about -en.

Speaking of the children, we've spent the last three days singing turkey songs. Albaquerque is my turkey (to the tune of Oh My Darlin' Clementine) and I'm so glad I'm not a turkey (to the tune of. . . I can't remember now). They love it.

I went to Michael's the other day. Haven't been in there in forever. Browsed around. Took my time. Couldn't believe how their scrapbooking section has improved. Nobody told me. I could've made out my entire Christmas list from like three aisles.

I ran out of tea bags yesterday. (Yes, Nat, orange pekoe blend.) I discovered the coffee at school is undrinkable. And that's a crying shame.

My sister's 13 year old German shepherd died yesterday. Ten minutes after she got home. She said it felt like she was just waiting on her to get there. RIP, Jada.

Oddly enough, I thought I had more strange things to share with you, but I don't.


Natalie said...

Last year, the First Graders at Crestview did a song with the hilarious lyrics:

I taught my turkey how to tango...
His name is Fred he's from Marengo...
(It's Durango but Marengo is funnier)

It's hilarious and at the end they throw red carnations!

Here's the powerpoint link:

Natalie said...

P.S. Sorry about the dog...I won't tell Glenda, it will make her sad and she will miss Oscar. :)