1. Found out last night that Charlotte lives right out in our front yard. I wish you could've seen how big she actually was. I didn't want to get my hands too close. She looks dangerous in real life, despite her caring, friendly ways in the book.
3. If you read my blog last week, you'll remember that I asked for prayer for my friend Mila. He finally received word from his sister that his family all survived the tsunami in American Samoa. His mother was actually on the beach with three of her friends when it hit. She made it, they did not. Please continue to pray for them as they pick up the pieces to rebuild.
4. Phil and I are gearing up to begin our small group Sunday night. We are really looking forward to finally being able to host something like this. We're starting with dinner. I'm going to take a poll here. Please respond in the comments. Should I. . . A) make a pasta dish that feeds the masses, or B) fix a couple different kinds of soup? We'd add salad, bread & dessert to that mix on both. And no, this is not a clever ploy just to increase my comments ratio. I really need help deciding here.
5. First graders are totally amused by the overhead projector. They think it's the coolest thing ever. Every time I use it, we have to take a moment to get out the oohs and ahhs.
6. Something wacky happened in my car this morning. When I turned it on, it registered 66 miles to empty. It was a nice subtle reminder that I needed to stop and get gas after school. I had to get the scraper out and clear off the windshield. Total time: approximately two minutes. Then when I pulled out of the driveway, the low fuel signal came on. This usually happens when there are only 25 miles left. By the time I got to the end of the road to turn into Costco to get gas, it said 6 miles to empty. I did not drive 60 miles to get to Costco, so what in the world happened to my fuel gauge?
7. Does not Tracy from the purple team on the Biggest Loser drive you insane with the crazy looks she gives all the time? Will she please drop below the yellow line so I don't have to see her each and every Tuesday night?
8. Latest commercial that cracks me up? Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia! That's right, get your very own Obama Chia, or Abe Lincoln Chia, or George Washington Chia. Or if you'd rather not have a Presidential Chia, how about a Statue of Liberty Chia? And I thought the Scooby Doo Chia was a dumb idea. Who comes up with this stuff? Better yet, who buys it?

9. Two weeks ago, the kids in my class were arguing over who was going to pray for lunch. So last week I start with number one and give them the option to pray or pass. Seven out of ten decided to pass. This week, they're all praying on their day. Passing is not an option. I'm realizing more and more that first grade is really all about crowd control.
10. Walmart has the coolest mini pumpkins and gourds. 78 cents, people. Hurry, go stock up!
Bill and I think that Tracy is really the mole (do you remember that show) and she was planted there by the show to keep it interesting! SO I would not be suprised if she was there to the end. BUT I also would not cry if she left. Coach Mo on the other hand I think he got a bum wrap!
Stick with soup, I love your Sunday soup night, please don't blow it for me! =)
I vote for the soup with bread, salad and dessert. You can't go wrong with that combo.
John and I saw that Chai commercial and we both thought it was a joke. Seemed like a Saturday Night Live skit to me. What a hoot.
I vote for soup as well. It's just so good this time of year. And as for the chia pet...I know someone's whose sister got a chia pet for a wedding gift...yes, a wedding gift. And from her future mother-in-law of all people. I just don't know where to even begin with that...
My vote was for the soup... sounds yummy. :)
I laughed when you said 7 out of the 10 kids passed up the praying option. I don't give my kids the option, either... when it is their "special day" (which, I go alphabetically, so they know it's coming), they must pray... and do other things for me that day. You are cracking me up with the first grade moments. ha!!!
Wow! I'm so out numbered - I was going to say the pasta dish sounds delish.
I totally cracked up at your "crowd control" comment! love u.
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