It's true. First grade work is
easy to grade. Not to mention that I only have ten kids in my class. I'm so loving that right now. It makes my evenings and weekends so much nicer because I can do other things like. . .
- enjoy the fact that I saved $10 on my new Yankee. I finally broke down and got the Orchard Pear (because I had a coupon burning a hole in my pocket). Well, actually, I was busy on the final day of the coupon, so I had Phil go get one for me. He's such a gem! I'm a little disappointed that the car gel in the same scent I bought just a few weeks ago is completely out of scent. By the way, this is a little halogen lamp thing that Phil got me for Christmas a few years ago. It gets hot and melts the wax, so I never have to worry about the house burning down, and my candles always look brand new.

- burn my arm on the pot while cooking dinner (notice the slight curve), then gouge the burn with my fingernail, twice, then have blood drawn from the very same arm (notice the tiny bruise - bottom right corner).

- burn off some steam by going for a walk. Just me, myself, and my ipod. Of course, today it rained, so I didn't walk. I don't ever feel like walking in the rain - which sure stinks in the Pacific Northwest because that's all it does like 80% of the time. (And I think I'm being nice by only saying 80% of the time.)
- read a gazillion blogs for inspiration. I don't have any.
- ponder the fact that Becky Higgins is leaving Creating Keepsakes. Honestly, I think she's what's kept the ship afloat there the last year or so.
- text my sister on my new phone. My other one was starting to burn my cheek after about five minutes. It was time. Phil got his free and we get a $100 rebate, so mine will essentially be free too. In fact, with it being on sale, they'll actually be paying us to buy new phones. It's the coolest phone ever. . . Samsung Alias. It opens two ways and has a magic changing keypad. (I am easily amused, can't you tell?)
- search the internet for free first grade stuff. I have absolutely nothing for first grade. I'm trying not to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. Anyone want to come help me cut out lamination???

- can 14 pints of peach salsa. I even bought new jars this time. (I know, I know. Look out, Martha Stewart.) My Dad thinks that there's no possible way peach salsa can taste good. So, he doesn't know it yet, but I'm sending him a jar. And Dad, if you're reading this, I've already told Mom you have to try it. (Payback for you making me eat all those nasty lima beans I was force fed as a child.) Someone wanted to know if you just use it like regular salsa. Yes, you do. I know for a fact that it tastes wonderful on tortilla chips. And I'm trying to figure out how to use it with chicken. I'll let you know how that turns out. Maybe. Depends on how it turns out.

- eat something relatively high in potassium at least once a day. I'm apparently peeing out all my potassium. Thus, potassium pills twice a day and bloodwork once a week until my doctor can figure out if I'm in the normal range again. (Sorry if that was TMI for ya.) I laughed when I read on the list that lima beans are high in potassium. But there's no possible way I'm EVER eating those again.
I hear you on the lima beans. As a kid they went the "What I'd Never Make My Own Kids Eat" list. Really...I sat and wrote down a list and it was either at the top or very close. And if I could, I would hop on a plane and come out to help cut out lamination. I miss you!
That arm looks terrible...come over so I can laugh and squeeze it! (Remember your cyst???)
I am glad you love your job! That makes two of us.
But it will never be better than the days of our staying up until 2 a.m. to paint a VBS backdrop!
I am jealous of your easy grading now. ME------->papers up to her ears and envious of your free time. Maybe I should send you some more work for first grade that will allow you to challenge yourself.... yeah. lol
Glad you are enjoying your new job. :) Sorry about that burn and all of the poking! I hope you are feeling back to normal soon.
Your candle "thingy" is quite interesting! Didn't know they had such a thing!
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