1. What is your current obsession? Blogs. Facebook (still. I thought I'd be over it by now). Texting on my new phone. Loving that magic changing keypad!
2. What is your weirdest obsession? I don't think I have any weird obsessions. My husband will probably disagree with that though. My sister says I'm obsessed with washing my hands. Um. . . hello!?! Have you ever heard of the swine flu???
3. Recall a fond childhood memory? All the time. I was just thinking about my grandma and her yard sales every summer. Good times selling rice krispie treats to the throngs that would stop in. I'd spend pretty much all the money I made on my baked goods on something my grandma had that I wanted.
4. What’s for dinner? Whatever we decide to eat. I'm not cooking.
5. What would you eat for your last meal? As in, if I was on death row and about to die??? I think I'd want some pizza. Cheesecake for dessert. Diet cherry coke made with grenadine to wash it all down.
6. What’s the last thing you bought? Tomatoes & other ingredients for round 3 of salsa making. I'm officially done with canning for the year.
7. What are you listening to right now? Sunday night football.
8. What do you think of the person who tagged you? I don't know her. I stole this off a blog I occasionally read.
9. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would it be? on the Oregon coast with plane access to see my family in Ohio any time I wanted.
10. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? I'd go to my sister's house to read her kids a bedtime story.
11. Which language do you want to learn? I'm ok with just knowing English. And I'd like to thank Senorita Bell for the two years of Spanish I had in high school. Sadly, I don't remember much. But what would you expect from a teacher who used to sit on the heater and fall asleep?
12. What’s your favorite quote (for now)? "I love you the mostest. And I said it first, so I win." (It's a crazy little thing my niece and I have goin' on. To see who says it first. Cause then we get to be the winner.)
13.What is your favorite colour? Always blue. Medium varieties.
14. What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? I don't have a favorite. Isn't that sad?
15. What is your dream job? Being good enough to write & record music. Or a writer of just words. Or a scrapbook store lady.
16.What’s your favorite magazine? It was Simple Scrapbooks. They went under this year. (Great sadness ensued.)
17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? A new cricut cartridge. A few books from Amazon. Stuff for the walls. (I know, that probably totals over $100.)
18. Describe your personal style? Simple. Orderly (most of the time). More classic than modern. I really don't know what the heck this means.
19. What are you going to do after this? Finish laundry. Attempt to get things checked off my weekend list of things to do. Prep for school. All the while watching tv with the hubs.
20. What are your favorite films? Beaches. The Princess Bride. The Notebook.
21. What’s your favorite fruit? I pretty much like them all. Except apricots. Ick.
22.What inspires you? the people working their butts off on the Biggest Loser.
23. Your favorite books? scrapbook ones, kid ones, teacher one, cookbooks, piano books
24. Do you collect anything? Willowtree angels. B's.
25. Any advice from bitter experience? If a guy tells you he's going to go back to New York to Andrea, the first girl he ever loved, it's probably over.
26. What makes you follow a blog? I'm not a "follower" per say. But there's a list I check daily. I really need to figure out how to use the blog reader thing so I know when people post something new. I'd like to know who's reading mine. Leave me some love, people! And I really want to know how people type and it looks like they've crossed out their words. Anybody know how to do that???
Okay, I totally cracked up on #25. I know ~ my sense of humor is odd that I would laugh over your first heart break, but still...
These were great and I cheated and took them off your blog to put them on mine. lol
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