Tuesday, August 18, 2009

word on the street. . .

is I'm teaching first grade. The whole "I don't have a job - now I do have a job - and my new job is at my old job" thing is still quite bizarre to me. As I told my hair stylist today, I keep wondering when I'm going to wake up from this dream.

Well, here's how it all came down. I had my pink slip meeting three weeks ago tomorrow. At that meeting, the vice principal told me that she had seen online that Eastside Christian, the school where I taught at for three years before Crossroads had a first grade opening. Not really wanting to make that long of a commute again, but knowing that teaching positions were very scarce, and even though I always said I'd never teach first grade, I made a couple phone calls. Sent an email. Waited. Worried. Updated my resume. Prayed. Got some new letters of recommendation written. Applied for some other positions here in Vancouver. Waited some more. And then on Friday night I got a phone call from my former principal. His words were, "We're ready to kick this thing off if you are." And with that, I was hired. No interview necessary.

I waited to share the news with most people until today, when I knew I would be signing my contract. That's been done. I've been in my room. I've seen my class list. Right now I'll have ten students. I've been to the Learning Palace. I've actually been reading up on first grade for a couple of weeks. I've shopped for books that I think they'll be able to read at Value Village. I started my little notebook - jotting down ideas I like, but I'm feeling back to school anxiety like never before. I've taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, and this is the most nervous I've ever felt.

I certainly have a few questions for God about this that I can't wait to ask. But for now, in the midst of a crummy economy, I have a job. With benefits. Working with people that I know and get along with. In fact, one of the teachers is coming back from retirement. She is sure to keep me laughing when I'm pulling my hair out because I don't know what in the world to do with first graders.

Even though it's not at all how I would've planned it, I'm thankful. I feel very grateful to have so many family and friends who were praying for me. Please don't stop! And if you have any really great ideas for first graders, be sure to send them my way.


bmarquez said...

word on the street. . . . . you're an amazing teacher. 1st grade . . . . no problem.

jeasterbrooks said...

WOW! Is all I have to say Wendy. Congrats! So does this mean Mrs. Blazier is not teaching anymore? And who is coming out of retirement? Mrs. Carroll? I am sure you will do great with 1st graders. They have a lot of energy but have not gotten to the sassy mouth stage yet. They are a sweet stage. I am really happy for you.

Sandra said...

Schwendy!!!! What great news! I can hear all the little first graders now saying at the end of the year how much they love Mrs. Bergland. And 10 students? Nice! My memory from 1st grade? The Snoopy Reading Club. We logged every book we read and got cheap little rewards at milestones along the way. Thirty years later and I still remember my grand total of 214 books. You're going to be great!

Kellie said...

I am so thankful to the Lord for this job He has given you. You will do a WONDERFUL job... I have no doubt. :) And, girl... TEN students!? That makes my 24 seem like A LOT. LOL :)

Shonk said...

Happy day, Wendy Lou! Answered prayers!

Don't be afraid of first graders...they are so sweet and innocent...ha!

Maddie starts first grade in 5 days!