Tuesday, July 1, 2008

things to do

I haven't made any lists for a while, and I have some things that I need to get done. So I thought that maybe if I posted them on here for myself and the whole wide world to read, I'd be more apt to get them done. (It's just a theory, folks, I'm not saying it's actually going to work.)
  • Call Grandma Kline. (Just called Granny Fannie today and had a lovely chat.)
  • Pack Phil's lunch.
  • Order the part to the carpet cleaner. ASAP.
  • Register for the 2 day 1st/2nd grade teacher workshop I want to go to in a few weeks.
  • Then forward the bill to the school's bookkeeper for reimbursement.
  • Send a couple cards to my friends Kerry and Michelle who are missing their mom. You can read about her story - click Nancy Baran on my "blogs i read" link.
  • Clean & organize the scrapbook room. Which is also sometimes called the guest room. Which we'll be using when mom & dad come to town. Which right now has a serious lack of space for the ol' air mattress.
  • I owe my friend Cathy a big long letter.
  • Rat on the obnoxious neighbor kids who were out late last night screaming and playing with sparklers - which are not allowed on the premises. (Oh wait, I already did that!) Seriously, children that young should not be playing unsupervised with a lighter.
  • Send one of my technologically challenged sister's photos on her myspace page to costco.com since she accidentally deleted the picture from her camera.
  • Scrapbook or put the stuff away.
  • Deliver the goods to the Goodwill that we've decided to part with.
  • Return the books that I couldn't renew to the library before they add to my already extensive fine.
  • Get some more games made for school. Then go laminate them.
  • While I'm there laminating, go through the cupboards in my room and get rid of the stuff that's been in there for 30 years.
  • Decide which Cricut cartridge I'm getting with my birthday money from Mom & Dad. It's between 4 right now and I'm having a tough time.
  • Send Phil's niece her graduation gift.
  • Make sure we don't leave here without the tickets and parking pass to the Mariners game on Saturday. That would not be good.
  • Add camera on to that list of things not to forget.

I'd better stop here or I'm going to get a wee bit overwhelmed.

In other exciting news, the city of Portland is experiencing smog from the northern California forest fires. That's been kind of strange. It's foggy a lot in the mornings, and usually burns off by 11 or so, but not today. It's like a thick cloud that just won't move. And we're going to experience it for several more days. Lucky us. People with asthma and heart issues have been advised to stay inside so they can continue breathing. I'm just staying inside because it's cheaper. :)

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I found you from Facebook! Are you related to Kimberly Matthews? I used to teach with her and go to church with her.

I teach second grade... and have been for 13 years. Great to meet another educator.

I enjoy reading blogs as well as having my own, too. I figured I'd add yours to the list I continue to read. lol

Thought I'd comment and say "hello"...

Kellie Fowler :)
Raleigh, NC