Sunday, September 24, 2006

slice of life

I got this cool scrapbooking magazine that has all these little quizzes and questions. So I'm going to use these to get my blogging going. I'll start with the very first one. . .slice of life.

1. The last person I sent a card to? Well, it would be one of my best friends, Natalie. I had been thinking about her and wanting to send a card, and after we got back from the beach Labor Day weekend, that's what I did. Funny thing is, she was thinking about me too, and our cards crossed in the mail. (But back to the whole beach thing. . .good thing there wasn't a tsunami. We totally would've been dead. We went to this seminar that the park rangers put on, and he told us about how low-lying the park is, and how far inland the water could potentially come. Phil and I would've died together.)

2. For lunch today I had ham, mashed potatoes that were a little on the lumpy side, green beans, tomatoes from the garden, and iced tea.

3. Something I just learned is that our next door neighbor is the brother of someone we met today at our new church. Small world!!!

4. My favorite song this year. . .oh gosh, I don't know. I like Indescribable by Chris Tomlin, and I love most songs by Casting Crowns. I really do like Wonderful, Merciful Savior too - we sang that at church today.

5. The last book I read (and absolutely loved) was Tuesdays with Morrie. (I think that's the last one.) It's a true story about a guy who finds out his college professor is dying of Lou Gehrig's disease and he goes and visits with him every Tuesday. I read it on the plane to Ohio and bawled at least once a chapter.

6. Right now I'm wearing gray capris (that I usually wear to Curves) and a yellow t-shirt. It's quite bumming and not very flattering.

7. The last phone call I made was to my sister, Jenny. I also got to chat with Hannah too. She told me that she was going to sit very, very still when she went to get her hair trimmed.

8. Inside, I don't feel very different from when I was 27. (That's a strange question.)

9. The last restaurant I ate at was the Olive Garden. Phil and I had a lunch date yesterday. He had the day off work, so we went early. Later we went and saw the movie Flyboys. It was super, super good. Although I was bummed at the very end of it.

10. My favorite TV show is Amazing Race. Funny, I don't think that one's even on my profile.

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