So I thought I'd be cool and sign up for this 31 days of blogging thing, only the confirmation email I was supposed to get never came. And I tried it with our fake email account too. You know, the one you have so that when you want to sign up for something and you're sure that your email address will probably be sold 4 or 5 times you use the fake one instead. It didn't work either. Well, I still want to try this 31 day challenge, so I'm using a couple different lists on pinterest to generate writing prompts. I don't want this to take a ton of time every day, because, let's face it, I don't have a ton of time. Anyway, I'll give it a whirl and write about stupid stuff and happy stuff and Schwendy stuff and maybe I'll even throw in a heart-breaker story or two. I don't know yet because I haven't picked all my prompts. In fact, it took me about 15 minutes to pick out the first one. So just tune in. It'll be fun.
Topic #1 - My favorite thing to use in the bathroom.
Really this could be a toss up between a couple of things, because I really, really, really like Noxzema (and I've written about my love affair with that stuff before) and I am a huge fan of my Enjoy hydrating conditioner,
but today I'm going to pick Qtips. Please note, they must be the real Qtips, not some Great Value or Fred Meyer brand. Trust me, they don't have the same amount of cotton on the tip. I can always tell a fake from the real deal and you will too, when you inevitably hurt your ear with them. I mean, come on people, it says right on the package "more soft cotton at the tip than any other swab." They aren't lying.
I use two every single morning. One for my ears because I cannot stand having water in my ears. It drives me insane. And the other because, without fail, I end up getting mascara on my eyelids, so I wet my Qtip in my mouth and wipe off the CoverGirl black/brown waterproof from the blue tube that is plastered just above my eyelashes.
Now you know more about me and my morning routine than you probably will ever need to know. And before I go, one more thing. Wilson loves Qtips too. He loves to eat them. You don't even know how many Qtips I've yanked from his mouth. I think he loves the crunch. Weirdo.
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