Monday, April 27, 2015

what's new in wendy's world

1. I got the cravings for something lemony last week. Did a quick pinterest search and came up with this recipe for a copycat Starbucks lemon loaf. So so good. That recipe is definitely a keeper. The cake is heavy and dense, not light and springy. Just the right amount of lemon flavor. I see this coming to a church potluck sometime soon.
2. I have finished 6 out of 8 weeks of Educational Research and Assessment. This week was kind of brutal. Three chapters to read with a quiz over them, a group discussion board (that actually wasn't as hard as I had myself believing) and a qualitative article review. I pretty much worked most of Saturday and all of yesterday after I got home from church. My last assignment was submitted at approximately 8:40 pm, just a mere 19 minutes from the deadline. Now I wait for grades. I got a kick out of the professor yesterday. He sent us an email and he started it like this. . . "Dear Class, Sundays can be so hard." No kidding. I find that I really do end up doing the majority of my work on the weekends because I'm so tired in the evenings. Makes for some really long weekends.
3. There's stuff blooming in our front yard. The irises are starting to open up. We have some that are purple and some that look more burgundy. I think they finally settled into where I had transplanted them because we have tons of blooms this year.
My columbines popped out too. They're so pretty and dainty.
4. I didn't have a job scheduled for today, and the only one posted was for PE. I don't do PE. So I took the day off (much deserved after all the homework I did this weekend) and so far I've read a bunch of blogs, cleaned both bathrooms, and started some laundry. Phil's on standby today, waiting to see if he'll be called in or not. It's always kind of nice to have a Monday together.

5. I downloaded Spotify to my phone yesterday. I need more music in my life. Now I have to figure out how it works. Any tips, anyone?

6. Speaking of apps, I want to know what your favorite apps are? I have hardly any. Phil put the Bible on for me, and I have one called Notes which is kind of a list-making app, but haven't used it.I also have instagram - check it out here. Although, if you do, you'll just see a repeat of pictures you've already seen.


bmarquez said...

I can't believe I've missed 3 Wendy blogs. It was fun reading them all at once though. Keep them coming, when you have a break from all your school stuff.

Dawn said...

I love a peek into Wendy's world. Thanks for sharing :) I am making that lemon cake. Yum! I think it is time for a visit!