mourning: the closing of I stumbled upon a link to that site one day about 6 years ago while reading Simple Scrapbooks magazine and immediately became a two peas addict. I learned a ton about scrapbooking from the Garden Girls and from Shimelle's weekly Glitter Girl videos, and then from other crafty people who would post comments in the threads. I loved the non-scrapbook related message board too. I learned a lot of cool things there. It was a part of my every day reading. While they had an online store, I never purchased anything. I had enough local places to shop, so it wasn't necessary. I never even joined and became a contributing member, but I sure got my brain full of ideas and spent a lot of time there reading. I'm so sad to see it go.
marveling: at how well my window box is doing this year. I dug out all the old dirt and refilled it with some good stuff we bought at Marbott's. It totally worked. Well, that and the fact that Phil has it hooked up to a soaker hose that's on a timer so it always gets watered. Really, this picture doesn't even do it justice. It's so pretty.
eating: good ol' Kraft mac & cheese for lunch today.relaxing: today I went for a pedi and she talked me into a mani too. I haven't had a manicure in 10 years, so I went with a French manicure just like I had for our wedding day. Little splurges are fun once in a while. Plus, she used the cheese grater on my feet. Smooth as a baby's behind. . . I've really got to get myself one of those things.
craving: chocolate. I could totally go for a milk chocolate hazelnut bar from Ikea. Yum.
decorating: for the 4th. The top of the piano is all decked out in red, white, and blue. I really want to make a burlap banner for the deck (we are having a small gathering here on the 4th) and I want a patriotic table runner. And I have a whole pinterest board of fun things that I'll probably never get made.
listening: got a new Kari Jobe CD yesterday at the bookstore. I've heard her on the radio lots of times, but this is my first time purchasing her music. And ya, I know. I should probably just be going all digital with my music, but I'm just behind the times. I can't even figure out Pandora.
smiling: when I see Wilson snuggling with Phil. He's such a big baby. He thinks he's a lap dog.
watching: HGTV. We got the Dish hooked up on Monday. Our internet service is getting really spotty and we need to make a change, so we got a bundle with TV and internet. I haven't had cable channels since I was in high school. Phil505 is in his happy place. Now he can watch all his favorite sports teams from the comfort of his recliner. And I will actually get to see my husband during football season :)
needing: to finish the file organizing in the office/scrapbook room. I really want to share the transformation with you.
wanting: to get some stuff hung up on the walls this summer. It's time.
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