Wednesday, May 14, 2014


blogging. finally. 
eating right now, nothing, but for lunch I've been having Asian chicken salads a lot lately.
hoping to get my TPep stuff done on time. (WA teacher evaluation stuff). Yesterday I took a TPep day (thank you to the powers that be up in Olympia for paying for my sub) so I could get my data organized and get stuff uploaded into the eval system. My. brain. is. fried. It's all due Thursday. I will be so glad to hand over my student growth goals along with a pile of data, artifacts, and evidence. I have one more observation in which I get to demonstrate my students self-evaluating based on the learning target and success criteria. Teaching isn't what it used to be.
reading Elizabeth Smart's book My Story.
praying for our church as we just found out our pastor is moving back to Georgia and we'll be getting a new pastor in August.
listening to well, my new current favorites whenever they come on the radio: Matthew West's Do Something and Steven Curtis Chapman's The Glorious Unfolding.
procrastinating on TPep stuff. Although today I cranked out a bunch more because four of my groups were cancelled because of state testing.
enjoying the sunshine this week. The flowers are mostly all planted (all except the new perennials I got) and the garden has been tilled. 
pondering what next fall will be like when I'm out of a full time job again.
wondering why in the world my dog is sneezing so much. Can dogs have allergies???
anticipating our 10th anniversary trip to Victoria BC. I can't wait. We need to get our enhanced driver's licenses soon.
loving the fact that my husband has already scouted out where the Hobby Lobbies are in the Seattle area so when we come back in to the good ol' USA I can go shopping :)
wanting people to follow on instagram. I'm a newbie. . . @philnwendy. (Dad, click here and see some stuff.)
discovering on a whim that I can vacuum off the dog bed without putting on the attachment. It's a little tricky, but it works. And it'll save me a trip down the hall every single time I vacuum.
needing a new pair of tennis shoes. I've about worn out my current pair.
enjoying the peace and quiet in our neighborhood. Our obnoxious neighbors right behind us moved out. You do not even know how much joy that brings to our hearts. That woman swore like a sailor. I knew more about her imprisoned family members and their court cases than anyone else in this entire town.
updating you on the exercise challenge. I'm happy to report that I finished 4th out of 10 and won a Starbucks gift card. . . which then put back on all the calories I burned off while walking. 
pondering this article. So well written.
making nothing, really. Although I made three cute cards for Mother's Day for my mom, grandma, and sister. And did I remember to take a picture of them before I mailed them off? No.
dreaming  about making things. I'm going to make some 8x8 canvas pictures to hang in the scrapbook room. Just need to order the prints. 
thinking about the projects I want to tackle this summer. . . mostly involving the kitchen and dining room. And paint. Lots of paint.

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