Saturday, May 4, 2013

five good things

1. Today Phil505 had a rare Saturday off. Turns out, he picked the best spring day ever to not be heading downtown to save all the crazies of the world. Record breaking temperatures, a lovely little breeze, lots of sun, and a few hours of hard work pulling weeds and stirring up some dirt and we've got the garden ready for planting. We ran errands in the afternoon and topped it off with a dinner date at Burgerville. Now I need a manicure and lots of moisture for my dry cracked hands.

2. I got a new vacuum. It's a Shark. And I am so embarrassingly happy about how much dirt and dog hair that thing sucks up it's not even funny.

3. I am almost ready to embark on part 2 of the pinterest-inspired master bathroom transformation. My amazon order of the General Finishes java wood stain and clear poly came. I bought the fabric for the curtains today. We've also got the faucet picked out. I can't wait to show it off.

4. It's National Scrapbook Day! While I was too busy to scrap, I did stop in at Craft Warehouse for a little shopping. Of course they didn't have what I wanted and I practically had to waste the rarely ever given 40% off coupon. I do have a new stack of pictures waiting for me at Costco, so maybe this week I'll get back to work on my album.

5. My new favorite song on the radio these days. . . Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher. Catchy little tune, that one. And with Christy Nockels singing backup vocals, you can't go wrong.

1 comment:

Luci Smith said...

Music has been a huge help in getting me through this past year. I love listening to K-LOV